Leonardo Giordani
Born in 1977 together with Star Wars, bash, Apple ][, Dire Straits, The Silmarillion, and many other great things.
I started coding in April 1987 on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. I then moved to MS-DOS PCs and in 1996 I started using Linux and became interested in operating system internals. I love software architectures, algorithms, mathematics and cryptography.
I’m mainly interested in open source software. I like both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science.
I am currently working as a contractor DevOps and Python developer while I design a DevOps bootcamp that I will run in London from October 2022.
From 2013 I blog some technical thoughts at http://thedigitalcatonline.com.
In 2018 I published the free book “Clean Architectures in Python” http://bit.ly/getpycabook
This workshop will guide you step-by-step through the implementation of a very simple Python library following a strict TDD workflow. At the end of the workshop you will have grasped the main principles of TDD and learned the fundamentals of the Python testing library pytest.
This workshop will guide you step-by-step through the implementation of a very simple Python library following a strict TDD workflow. At the end of the workshop you will have grasped the main principles of TDD and learned the fundamentals of the Python testing library pytest.
A brief talk that introduces software developers to the idea of "clean architecture" and discusses how to reduce coupling between parts of a software system through well-known strategies such as abstraction and inversion of control.