Python for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Arjumand Younus, Dr. Muhammad Atif Qureshi
Computational methods particularly those involving data analytics are now taking root in various humanities disciplines. However, students and researchers working in these disciplines lack the necessary programming proficiency and coding experience . The need then arises to make Python-based computational methods accessible – we present case-studies of how to do this via various Python modules being taught at College of Business in Technological University Dublin and by means of walkthrough of an interdisciplinary social good project called InEire. It comes down to complementing existing quantitative and qualitative methods with methods based on analysis of various types of data specific to the social science problem being solved. We essentially go through the process of building curiosity-driven exploration in social science students via a theoretically driven research question rather than the Python technique itself, and then focusing on the various steps involved in solving that question; and finally boiling it down to a concrete Python-based data analytics methodology. This project-based teaching methodology helped us develop Python skills in newbies eventually leading to a Python-based data analytic skills in students of disciplines other than Computer Science.
Education, Teaching & Further Training
Liffey A