John Gill

I grew up in Yorkshire, UK and always had an interest in space.

I was lucky enough to be taught by Colin Rourke, when studying mathematics at Warwick some 40 years ago.

After graduating I worked with computers for all my career, using python and linux almost exclusively since 2000.

This included a period of many years living and working in Dublin, when I first discovered the python world.

My interest in space-time has been rekindled by Colin Rourke's work, after many years of assuming astronomy only had minor details to work out.

I am now semi-retired, teaching skiing in the winter and do some python mentoring as well.

I write code to help me explore the universe.


The Geometry of the Universe
John Gill

A place to come and talk about the geometry of the universe.

Sagittarius A* and where is the Sun?

gamma ray bursts

gravitational waves.

What will James Webb see?

How to test different models?

Python, matplotlib, scipy, astropy

units and constants. Hubble and c

But maybe Hubble's not constant?
