Deborah Mesquita

I’m Déborah and I’m a data scientist who really likes to write. I have a BSc in Computer Science and I’ve been working with Data Science since 2016 when I won the Microsoft Imagine Machine Learning Award.

I’m a generalist, so I can grasp new technology quickly and I can learn as much as I need to reach the goals of a project. I think this gives me an advantage in writing because it’s easier for me to “zoom out” and explain things from a broader point of view than someone who has more experience in a particular technology.


Creating great user interfaces on Jupyter Notebooks with ipywidgets
Deborah Mesquita

Jupyter notebooks are great to quickly try new ideas and experiments, but the downside is that using code to change inputs and see the results can be inefficient and error-prone. ipywidget is a Python library that solves this problem by providing a user-friendly interface with iterative widgets. It's all in Python so we don't have to worry with any CSS or Javascript. In this talk we'll learn how ipywidgets can help us build tools in the context of Data Science.

PyData: Software Packages & Jupyter
Liffey Hall 2