Proposals are closed

EuroPython 2022 Call for Proposals - Closed

Pythonistas, Thank you for participating in EuroPython 2022 Call for Proposals!

The CFP has closed now. But you can register your interest to review submissions here. Community Voting will also be announced soon!

Conference Dates: 11-17 July 2022

Venue: The CCD, Dublin

Talk Proposal Deadline: 3rd April 23:59:59 AoE (anywhere on earth)

Please scroll down to submit a proposal

We are super happy to announce EuroPython 2022.

The EuroPython Conferences are thrilled to showcase any topic that could be of interest to our ecosystem of Python and our community. We bring together developers, DevOps, scientists, learners, hobbyists, and all others from the Python community to discuss application techniques, updates to the language, further Open Source development and our community matters.

The Conference

The conference will feature around 16 tutorials/workshops and 120 talk sessions:
- Four tracks of tutorials/workshop on 11-12 July
- Four tracks of talk sessions of Python general topics on 13-15 July, e.g. Programming, Software Engineering, Cloud, DevOps, Web, Django.
- Two tracks of talk sessions of PyData related topics on 13-15 July.

Topics We welcome presentations focusing on a variety of topics all around Python. To see the type of topics presented at previous EuroPython events, check out our past EuroPython conferences.
Browse through our past talk videos for more inspiration.
For PyData related ideas, take a look at PyData events:

Format Presentation content can be at a novice, intermediate or advanced level. Talks will run 15, 30,45 or 60 minutes; hands-on tutorials will run 180 minutes.
Other than talks and tutorials, you are also welcome to submit posters: printed in large formats, it is a graphical way to showcase a project or a technology. Posters are exhibited at the conference, read at any time by participants, and can be discussed face to face with their authors during the poster session.

Though remote talks can be an option, we are hoping to meet as many speakers as possible in-person. To make travel easier, accepted speakers are eligible for a free ticket to attend the conference. Travel and accommodation expenses will not be reimbursed; but we do have a Financial Aid programme and encourage speakers, especially those from under-represented backgrounds to apply.

Your Submission In our experience, attendees pay close attention to proposal abstracts when deciding which talks to attend during the conference. The submitted abstract will be published as is in the conference programme (you can edit the submission later).

We encourage you to include details about the theory and/or practice that you will discuss. Specifically, if the system you've built uses open source tools, please mention the libraries in the proposal and make it clear whether you will be presenting a case-study of their use or discuss details of their design.

In general, conference attendees, as well as the review committee, should be able to answer these questions based on your submission:
- What problem is your talk addressing (whether the project addresses a well-known problem or found something new)?
- Why is the problem relevant to the audience?
- What is(are) your solution(s) to the problem, or are you simply pointing out there is an issue we should be aware of (this is also extremely useful).
- What are the main takeaways from your talk? For tutorial submissions, this is very important: please specify what people will have learned at the end of the tutorial session.

Childcare We are excited to offer free childcare at the venue. During the conference hours, there will be a dedicated area with childcare professionals who will look after your children.

In order to use our childcare services, please register a ticket for yourself and inform us how many children will require childcare at checkout, as well as everything that is important to keep your child happy during the conference. Please note that places are limited and available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Diversity & First-Time Speakers You are highly encouraged to submit a talk or tutorial. We especially encourage first-time submissions by speakers from under-represented backgrounds. Towards that goal, we ran a Speaker Mentorship Programme and matched 15 mentees with experienced mentors. who offered advice and feedback on talk ideas/presentations. [Now closed, we recommend that you watch our AMA session]

Submission Process After you submit a talk proposal, the conference committee will review the proposals and communicate any needed feedback or improvements. We aim to include many first-time speakers, and therefore will attempt to communicate and iteratively help you improve the abstracts. For this cause, the Mentorship programme will run two workshops. Closer to the CfP close date, a workshop for improving your submissions, and closer to the conference date, a webinar for first-time speakers to help you improve your talks..

Career, Life,...
Community & Diversity
Education, Teaching & Further Training
Infrastructure: Cloud & Hardware
PyData: Data Engineering
PyData: Deep Learning, NLP, CV
PyData: Ethics in AI
PyData: Machine Learning, Stats
PyData: Software Packages & Jupyter
Python Friends
Python Libraries
(c)Python Internals
Software Engineering & Architecture
None of the above

Non-profit EuroPython is a volunteer-run conference. All proceeds go to EuroPython Society which supports the Python community through its generous grants programme across Europe.

NumFOCUS, the entity behind PyData is a non-profit organisation that supports the development of open-source tools, such as Numpy, IPython, Jupyter, and many others.

Please consider supporting both.

Open Source As a reminder, EuroPython presentations are intended to share knowledge and experience. To this end, we encourage the code and/or data that your talk relies on to be open-source. Ideally, the audience would have access to the necessary tools to reproduce the results of the talk. We welcome talks focused on the practical application of tools and concepts you use at your work or in your free time; but we discourage sales-oriented proposals whose main aim is to sell a product.

The CfP will close 3rd April 23:59:59 AoE (anywhere on earth)

This Call for Papers closed on 2022-04-04 13:00 (Europe/Dublin).