What transitioning from male to female taught me about leadership
2022-07-15 , Wicklow Hall 1

Not many leaders transition in their mid thirties but I did and it gave me a unique perspective on courage, humility, diversity and inclusion in the context of leadership. In this talk I will tell the story of my transition and along the way you will learn how you can become a better leader.

I’ve been struggling with gender dysphoria (a debilitating sense of disconnect from the gender assigned to someone at birth) for decades, but it took me until not so long ago to realize what it was, and how it could be treated. Nothing has been the same since. Transitioning and the events leading up to it changed my life, and the experiences I had during my transition changed me as a person, and as a leader.

It’s hard for me to open up about this period in my life, not just because it comes with tremendous vulnerability, not just because it’s very personal, but also because it has been the hardest few months in my life. The decisions I faced were far more consequential and way harder to grapple than any decisions I had to make as a leader or any time during my professional career. However I feel that other people — people who will never go through anything like I did — can learn from my story a lot exactly because it has been a very unusual and difficult problem to solve.

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Abstract as a tweet:

Not many leaders #transition late in their lives. @ivettordog did so and it gave her a unique perspective on courage, humility, #diversity and #inclusion in the context of #leadership.

Ivett Ördög is the founder and facilitator of Lean Poker events. She is also an Engineering Manager at Contentful, and she has been a frequent speaker at software conferences around Europe. Her passion for short feedback loops drove her to create Lean Poker, a workshop where developers have the opportunity to experiment with continuous delivery in a safe environment. Ivett is the creator and host of the Cup of Code YouTube channel inspiring the next generation of developers to broaden their knowledge.