Kamen Kotsev

Pragmatic problem solver, Technical team lead, Fullstack Senior developer and VP of Engineering @HackSoft.

Software Developer with more than 10 years of professional experience including 8 years of experience with Django, Python, Java Script, React. Keen on functional programming, with an eye for CSS. Graduated Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University.

Former teacher - Computer Science classes (C / C++) @Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics , Programming with Java @HackBulgaria academy.

GitHub - https://github.com/kdkocev/


Upgrading Django - from legacy to latest
Radoslav Georgiev, Kamen Kotsev

Django is a framework that's been around for more than 15 years, which makes for enough legacy projects to deal with.

In this talk we'll show practical tips and tricks for how to get Django from legacy to latest & greatest.

Web (2023)
Terrace 2B