Jamie Coombes
Tech Lead and Consulting Data Scientist with Coefficient.ai in London, Interested in the intersection of technology and culture.
Beautiful is better than ugly.
The frontier of AI Language Models awaits exploration.
We, Pythonistas, face choices on how to use these tools.
Advanced models like GPT-4, BARD, and LLaMa generate human-like responses.
The nature of Language Models is fear,
But tools like TransformerLens show The Way.
Understanding The Model is possible.
The nature of Language Models is excitement.
Using them out of the box is one option.
Prompt engineering is another.
ChatGPT plugins and LangChain offer a third choice.
Fine-tuning them presents a fourth.
Training them from scratch is the fifth option.
Not using them at all is the final option. It may be safer.
The output for one LM is the prompt for another.
While openai is an excellent library, and
LangChain composes language models and utilities.
GPT's plugin system also composes language models and utilities, and
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.