Beginners' Day - PyLadies Snake Workshop

  • 07-17, 09:30–11:00, Club D
  • 07-17, 11:15–12:45, Club D
  • 07-17, 13:45–15:15, Club D
  • 07-17, 15:30–17:00, Club D

All times in Europe/Prague

Expected audience expertise


Mia Bajić is a software engineer based in Prague, Czech Republic with over five years of experience in the IT industry. She currently works at Ataccama, a Canadian-Czech company, where she contributes to the development of a business intelligence tool that helps users create engaging data stories and explain complex data phenomena.

Mia actively contributes to the vibrant tech community in Prague. She serves as a co-organizer of Pyvo, a series of monthly meetups dedicated to bringing together Python enthusiasts, developers, and experts. She also co-organizes PyCon CZ.

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