Adrian Brudaru

Hi There! I'm Adrian, a data engineer. At dlthub, I am one of the cofounders and original inventor of the first version of dlt.

I started my data career in 2012, in the Berlin startup scene, where I did 5y of employed work. I eventually moved to freelancing, because I liked to do more work and skip the drama.

In this time i built many data warehouses, data products and data teams and saw first hand the friction between data scientists and engineering, that came largely from a different toolset and abstractions needed. This made me try building various boilerplate loading code and identify the need with clarity.


From Pandas to production: ELT with dlt
Violetta Mishechkina, Adrian Brudaru

We created the “data load tool” (dlt), an open-source Python library, to bridge the gap between data engineers and data scientists. In this talk you will learn about how dlt can help you overcome typical roadblocks in your data science workflows, and how it streamlines the transition from data exploration to production. We will also discuss the pains of maintaining data pipelines and how dlt can help you to avoid common engineering headaches.

Join us to learn best practices around data handling and managing failures with real-life examples!

PyData: Data Engineering
North Hall